Family and estate law

The notary's office has developed a centre of expertise entirely dedicated to family law and the management of private and professional assets, notably through the expertise of Maître Isabelle DEPARDIEU.

  • Inheritance law

    The notary plays a crucial role in managing the settlement of successions, ensuring that the deceased's assets are distributed according to their wishes and applicable laws, but above all, that the rights of the heirs are fully respected

  • Asset management and transfer

    Wealth management is a major concern for many people, whether they are young professionals, entrepreneurs or already retired. Estate planning encompasses a series of financial and legal decisions. In this context, the notary plays a central role as advisor and legal professional.

  • Séparation divorce - Partition

    The separation of a couple, whether it be a marriage, a civil partnership (PACS), or a common-law union, is a complex step on legal, financial, and emotional levels. The Notary plays a crucial role in managing the legal aspects of separation by assisting in resolving financial and asset-related matters.

Other services

Real Estate Law

Real Estate Law regulates real estate transactions, providing a legal framework for the purchase, sale, and management of properties. It ensures the protection of the rights of property owners, tenants, and investors, facilitating secure and fair transactions.