Cookie Policy

Last updated on November 30, 2023

We use cookies to ensure the smooth running of your site and to provide an optimal experience for your visitors. This guide describes the cookies we use for people who visit your Squarespace site. It does not cover the cookies Squarespace uses for people who visit our websites or for people who use our web or mobile applications.

For more information about our use of cookies, including the cookies we use on and in our web and mobile applications, see our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small packets of data that websites install on a device to remember visitors' preferences and understand how they use different site features. They can be used to improve the browsing experience.

Functional and mandatory cookies

Some of the cookies used by Squarespace are necessary to enable visitors to navigate and use the main features of your site. These cookies vary from one site to another, depending on the features used. For example, functional and mandatory cookies are essential for the following functions:


  • Supports connection by the Scheduling client if the client has an account

  • Cookie

  • January 1, 2025


  • Supports connection by the Scheduling client if the client has an account

  • Cookie

  • January 1, 2025


  • Test to see if cookies are supported

  • Cookie

  • Exhales instantly


  • Tracks browser errors

  • Cookie

  • Four hours


  • Test to see if cookies are supported

  • Cookie

  • Exhales instantly


  • Helps reduce spam in Scheduling

  • Local storage

  • No expiration date


  • Indicates when a visitor adds a product to their shopping cart

  • Cookie

  • Two weeks



  • Remembers the username of a connected Scheduling client between visits

  • Cookie

  • One year


  • Stores the username, OAuth2 access token and OAuth2 update token of the Scheduling client. This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the site for connected clients.

  • Cookie

  • 30 days


  • Stores payment status while visitor completes order in PayPal

  • sessionstorage

  • Session



  • Tells Squarespace that the visitor has a shopping cart

  • Cookie

  • Two weeks


  • Prevents the password-protected screen from being displayed when a visitor enters the correct site password.

  • Cookie

  • Session


  • Authenticates a visitor who connects to an order status page.

  • Cookie

  • One year


  • Securely authenticates a visitor during payment in Scheduling

  • Cookie

  • One month


  • Avoids redirection loops if the site has custom URL redirects. Redirect loops are detrimental to SEO.

  • Cookie

  • 30 minutes


  • Saves the Scheduling client's log-in details if it has an account

  • Cookie

  • 365 days




  • Authenticates a visitor logging on to a customer account

  • Cookie

  • Three years


  • Prevent ad bar if a visitor chooses to ignore it

  • localstorage

  • Persistent


  • Indicates that you have already given a "Like" to a blog post

  • localstorage

  • Persistent




  • Remembers whether a visitor has accepted that analytic cookies be placed in their browser when a site restricts the placement of cookies

  • Cookie

  • 30 days



  • Checks whether the browser supports cookies and avoids errors

  • Cookie

  • Session


  • Enables a Scheduling client's appointments to be displayed correctly according to their time zone preferences.

  • localstorage

  • Persistent

Injection of illegitimate cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

CSRF is an attack vector that manipulates browsers into performing an unwanted action in an application when someone is logged in.

Analytical and performance cookies

We use analytical and performance cookies to collect information on your behalf about how visitors interact with your site. Storing these cookies allows us to propagate the data you find in Squarespace Analytics, such as traffic sources, unique visitors and cart abandonment.

You can deactivate Squarespace's analytical and performance cookies at any time.


  • Two years

  • Identifies unique visitors and tracks visitor sessions on a site


  • Two years

  • Identifies unique visitors and tracks visitor sessions on a site


  • 30 minutes

  • Identifies unique visitors and tracks visitor sessions on a site


  • Two years

  • Identifies unique visitors and tracks visitor sessions on a site


  • 30 minutes

  • Identifies unique visitors and tracks visitor sessions on a site

Disable analytics and performance cookies

To prevent Squarespace from placing these cookies on visitors' browsers, you can disable analytical and performance cookies at any time:

  1. Open the Cookies and visitor data panel.

  2. Activate the Disable Squarespace analysis cookies option.

  3. To also display a cookie banner, activate the Cookie banner option. To keep cookies disabled, under Disable Squarespace Analytics cookies, check Disable analytics tracking even if users accept cookies.

  4. Click on Save.

You can also disable the collection of cookies from visitors until they accept your cookie policy in the cookie banner.

Disabling Squarespace's analytics and performance cookies does not disable cookies placed by third-party services connected to your site, such as Facebook Pixel or Google Analytics.

How disabling cookies affects the data available in Analytics

Once analytical cookies are deactivated, certain Squarespace Analytics data can no longer claim to be a complete or accurate representation of your visitors' behavior.

Each page-view event counts as a new visit. As a result, the number of visits and unique visitors may be much higher than normal. Each page view counts as one visit, whereas in reality the same visitor may view several pages. The following signs may therefore indicate a higher-than-actual number of visitors:

  • Traffic

  • Sales

Disabling cookies can also affect the accuracy of certain elements: click-through rates, conversion rates and referrer attributions in panels such as Traffic Origin and Form and Button Conversions. This is because deactivating cookies prevents Analytics from connecting consecutive visitor events in the same session.

In addition, if someone has visited your site before cookies were disabled, and that person returns once cookies have been disabled, that person counts as a new visitor, as we will ignore those cookies and attempt to delete them to follow your decision.

Check your cookies

For the most common browsers, you can :

  • check which cookies are active in your browser settings.

  • delete cookies from your browser or device (in their entirety or for a specific site).

To help you locate cookies on your device, consult your browser's documentation: