Our rates

Notaries perform a function in the public interest, which is why their remuneration is closely regulated and subject to a specific tariff.

Customers benefit from the predictability and transparency of the notary's fees.

Notary fees cover three categories of sums:

  • Taxes collected on behalf of the State. These are paid by the notary to the Treasury, and in no way constitute remuneration for the services provided by the notary.

  • Disbursements, which are sums paid by the notary to third parties on behalf of the client, and which are therefore not definitively collected by the client.

  • And the notary's remuneration. With regard to the notary's remuneration, a distinction must be made between acts that are subject to tariffs, for which the notary receives emoluments, and acts that are not subject to tariffs, which are subject to free fees.

Fee-based procedures :

Notaries' regulated fees are set by law no. 2015-990, decree no. 2016-230 and the order of February 26, 2016, so no matter which notary is involved, the cost to the customer will be the same.

According to the nature of the service, the pricing is either proportional to the amount of the capital considered or a flat fee.

or even the regulated rate

Non-fee-paying procedures

Notaries are entitled to charge fees for services that are excluded from the scope of fee-based acts.

The notarial office provides an upfront estimate of fees based on the complexity of the case and the time spent to make the cost of the intended operation predictable for its clients.

Our commitment is to optimize the cost of services subject to fees so that it is tailored to the intended operation.

Notary's office discount policy

Law no. 2015-990 of August 6, 2015, Decree no. 2016-230 of February 26, 2016 and the Order of February 26, 2016 set the regulated rates for notaries. 

Since May 1, 2016, in application of article A444-174 of the French Commercial Code, a notary's office may offer its clients a discount on its proportional emoluments capped at 10%, above a certain base bracket. This discount may be as high as 40% for certain deeds listed exhaustively, involving goods or rights worth over €10,000,000. 

DFC Notaires grants the following discounts on its share of emoluments:

Deeds mainly related to real estate and land properties.

Transactions involving over-the-counter sales or transfers (art A444-91 Commercial Code)

  • Residential Properties

    • Assessment range: Applied discount rate (for the relevant range)

    • Above €10,000,000: 10%.

  • Non-Residential Properties

    • Assessment range: Applied discount rate (for the relevant range)

    • From €10,000,000 to €30,000,000: 20% discount

    • Over €30,000,000: 40%.

Acts mainly related to the family.

Operations involving inter vivos donations, shared donations, and transgenerational shared donations (art A444-67 and A 444-68 Commercial Code).

  • Acts mainly related to the family.

    • From €10,000,000 to €20,000,000: 10% discount

    • Above €20,000,000: 20%.